Sunday, July 3, 2016

Monster Warlord - STATS UPDATE (4/7/2016)

A game that I started not too long ago. Objective is to get as strong as possible, having the best monsters in your arsenal. Using cash can easily take you to the objective but that is not how you want to play the game. Earning jewels/honor points over time and getting your well-deserved void eggs felt way more satisfying.

IGN: Dykw

[1 x Divine+] [2 x Eternal+] [1 x Eternal] [1 x Mystic +] [2 x Infinite +] [1 x Inifinite]
The more divine/immortal monsters you have, the higher you will climb in the game ranks. That is how the game works. The trick to actually get these divine monsters is the ROULETTE. There are times when the roulette options shows honor points and jewels only. This is the time where you spend all the jewels that you have on the roulette, getting as many honor points as possible. 1500 jewels would yield you about at least 3000 honor points from the roulette. A divine+ egg cost 3900 honor points. Do the math, this method is more worth than buying void eggs. Why you would still want eternal + if you can get divine +. 

You have to be patient though. For the past 1 month, I only see roulette like this about 2-3 times. You can use the spare time to farm jewels as well. You can invest in mines as well. This kind of games are all about patience especially if you playing it without cash. The most patient guy wins the game. Most people are not patient as they want to get as strong as possible, eventually ending up with a couple of infinites and mystics. 

The main issue now is HOW TO EARN FAST JEWELS FOR FREE? 
1. Do daily world bosses. 
2. Get a guild. Get your daily guild login reward. 
3. Daily game login reward.
4. Leveling reward.
5. Mines.
6. Arena and Team battles.
7. Surprise gifts.
8. Turf war rewards. 

You will get about 50-200 jewels a day and if you are consistent, 3000-5000 jewels a month!

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