Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summoners War - FIRE WANTED LIST (TOP 5)

These are the fire summons that I currently have, pretty pathetic. I would only consider Trevor, Hwa, Jojo and Bulldozer to be viable. The rest are kinda bullshit or not as good. 

FIRE WANTED LIST (TOP 5), here it goes....

Yes you guessed it. It has to be zaiross, hands down. This would be probably be in everyone's wanted list, no doubt. I am in need of AOE fire damage dealer anyways so having the red dragon would be a huge benefit to my team. Most importantly is his 3rd skill (Fiery Breath), not only deals massive damage but also puts all enemies skills on cool down. However, zaiross has low base speed, enemies can counter by have a high speed team and taking down zaiross before he could even use its 3rd skill. Inversly, zaiross team could have mobs like chandra to protect zaiross against attacks. I would go rage/blade, having speed and attack% substats would be good. Glass cannon he should be.

IMMUNITY FOR DAYYS. The solution to counter debuffs, especially from orion. Definitely a valuable asset to anyone's team. His 3rd skill (Sanctuary) not only removes debuffs/grants 3 turns immunity but also increasing attack bar by 30%! However, velajuel suffers the same issue as zaiross, having low base speed. Despite being an archangel, velajuel cannot heal. I would go violent/energy, having speed, def% and hp% would be good. Violent would compensate for the lack of speed and being able to use sanctuary as much as possible. Energy to give more survivability.

HAIL THE SEA KING. More like a support than a damage dealer. His first 2 skills are a sure hit instead of relying on percentage. `Spear of Devastation' removes 1 beneficial effect and sets target skills to MAX cooldown. Game changer right there. His 3rd skill (Rain of Stones) having 25% chance to stun and recover 25% attack bar for each stunned eneemy. 4 stuns = recover 100% attack bar. All his skills are single target though. I would go violent/focus, having speed, accuracy and atk% as substats. Violent for faster skills refreshs. Focus to give more accuracy for his 'Rain of Stones'. Higher probability for stuns.

Fire vampire is the best among the other vampires. Team player in my opinion. Leader skill increases attack speed of allies by 28% ONLY IN DUNGEONS. What a pity. Still, he is a good monster in TOA and other respective dungeons. Every normal hit he does is a lifesteal. His passive skill `Boiling Blood' makes him desirable, increases allies attack bars by 20% whenever he does a critical. I would go violent/blade, with crit rate and atk% substats. Violent for higher chances of crits. Blade for higher crit rates for his passive to work.

The only epikion priest that is 4 stars, making it so much harder to get her. Her leader skill makers her ideal for arena defense. Her 3rd skill `Fanatic' gives invincibility and immunity which is really good as utility. If you do not have a velajuel, chloe would do just fine. I also need her invincibility for katarina `Sword of Discharge' to work wonders.  For chloe runes, i would go swift/energy, with speed and hp% as substats. Swift to give as much speed as possible in order to heal and fanatic when needed. Energy for better survivability. Others might go endure instead of energy.


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